Onshore 2D/3D Seismic Data Acquisition

Recording and delivering high-quality seismic data, for deep geothermal, oil & gas exploration, and mining resources.

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We are flexible and dedicated to your project.

We are a French service company specializing in geophysical acquisition, with proven experience in geothermal exploration and the development of oil & gas fields. We mostly operate in Europe, with capacity to operate in Africa as well. Besides our core services of seismic acquisition, we have collaborated with privileged partners to offer a larger package of services such as survey design, data processing, and data modelling.

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GTG management team has an extensive experience of geophysical exploration gained over twenty years of continuous operations worldwide, and ten years as a European acquisition contractor.

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Our clients get instant access to our senior management on a daily basis for operational and geophysical support throughout their projects.

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Our staff is fully qualified to carefully advise on the best possible deployment and recording solutions in order to deliver quality data in the most reliable, timely and cost-effective manner.

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Our Values

We believe the best opportunity for a project to be performed successfully is with a high degree of co-operation with our clients. Whenever we think an alternative solution to our client's initial request is likely to offer comparable quality at lower cost, we will suggest such alternative and be happy to discuss the option and make it possible. We pay special attention to finding the optimal compromise between the total seismic force and the size and weight of indivual vibrators in order to provide sufficient force for deep targets in the pattern while minimizing damages to asphalt, pavement, and soils.


They trusted us...

  • “Another succesfull 3D seismic acquisition performed in the city of Lommel by GALLEGO TECHNIC Geophysics in collaboration with realtimeseismic and using STRYDE nodal systems.”

    — HITA nv (August 2021) on their LinkedIn page

  • “From 7 August to 4 October 2017, a total of 15,869 vibrated points were acquired by four IVI MARK IV Vibrators (peak force 48,000 lbs) and recorded with the Wireless RT System 2. A total of more than 43,700 hours of work and more than 125,000 km were necessary to cmplete this acquisition, in good conditions and respecting the technical specifications. The company GALLEGO TECHNIC Geophysics perfectly fulfilled the contract and both the technical and human services were very satisfactory.”

    — Alain Buisson, Head of Exploration France, International Petroleum Corp - 07 June 2018

  • “From 16 August to 14 september 2018, a total of 2,195 points were vibrated by four IVI MARK IV vibrators (peak force 48000 lbs) and were recorded by 3,894 Wireless RT System 2 geophones. The area covered by this acquisition is 46.4 sq.km, and concerned 14 municipalities in Southern France. The work mobilized 8 companies, for 27,500 hours worked and 30,000 km. The company GALLEGO TECHNIC Geophysics fully honored the terms of the contract and the service was performed under very satisfactory technical and operational conditions.”

    — Christian Sage, Executive Director of INVESTAQ-ENERGIE - 22 February 2019

  • “Following a call of tenders launched in February 2016, GALLEGO TECHNIC Geophysics was chosen for the ascquisition of 10 lines in the cities of Riom and Clermont-Ferrand, France. A total of 92 km was acquired in February 2017 by three IVI MARK IV vibrators and recorded by a Wireless Seismic RT System 2 laboratory. The production was established in very good conditions, without any incident or stand-by. Following these very good results, a new acquisition was awarded to GTG in October 2017 in the Strasbourg region. The company GALLEGO TECHNIC Geophysics perfectly fulfilled the specifications and the technical and human services were very satisfactory.”

    — Sandrine Ortet, Geophysicist-Project Manager, Fonroche - 26 October 2018

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